
Sunday morning worship services are at 9:00 and 10:30 in the West Building. We have a "come as you are" philosophy in our church services. We invite you and your family to join us on Sunday to praise our Lord and hear from the Word. One of our greeters should be there to meet you when you walk in the door, feel free to ask them any questions you might have about our services. 

Sunday school classes for adults, Sunday 9:00 AM, in the fellowship hall and the youth room. 

Youth- Middle school youth group meets on Wednesdays at 7:00pm. High school youth group meets on Sunday evening at 6:00pm. LIVING PROOF student ministries is all about creating young disciples that live out their faith in the real world. Students in grades 6-12 are welcome to join other students their age to discover the Creator of the universe and find out how they can live as living proof in our everyday lives. 

Childrens- KidzLIVE meets on Sunday mornings at 10:30 in the gym building, and on Wednesday nights at 7:00pm. We have an awesome team of kids staff and volunteers. Bring your child into the east building and check them into Kidzlive where they are sure to have an awesome time learning about Jesus!

Celebrate Recovery- CR meets every Tuesday at 7:00pm. Have you ever dealt with hurts, habbits or hang ups in your life? Need a little help addressing any one of these? Come check out CR. Our leaders are there to help you find freedom!  Bring your Kids!! We have Celebration Place for Kids 5-12 years old, and the Landing for Youth 13-17 years old. 

Small Groups- Check our bulletin or call the church office to find about our small goup times and locations. We have a host of families and adults leading our small groups. To find out if there's a small group you'd be interested in, call our church office or grab a bulletin on Sunday morning. 

Prayer meetings- Tuesday at 7:00am in the sanctuary. Feel free to write out a prayer request and someone from our prayer team will be sure to lift up your need in prayer. We have a wonderful group of people that have commited their time to praying for our community.